Genealogy Research

Basic Genealogical Research - $275
Based on whatever data you can provide, we will look into a variety of references and archival sources to locate some trace of an ancestor. In this case "basic" does not describe the extent of what should be expected. We give all requests for research our full attention and effort. Instead "basic" descibes a low cost option for us to engage in research. Certain details are necessary for us to conduct such research (i.e., family names, approximate dates of birth, marriage, death or immigration), although typically less certain than necessary to begin complex research. In either case, we first evaluate whatever materials are provided, free of charge, to determine if there is sufficient data for either the Basic or Complex research. It is important to note that all transportation and reporting fees (including copies of records) are included in our rates.
The Basic Research option is intended as a cost saving alternative to more expensive hourly research. Typically, we can expect this level of research to result in a report containing the record of a particular individual, and possibly to include the birth records of some siblings, or marriage record of the parents.
This is a good starting point if there is any uncertainty about where a family is from. Furthermore, the details found through Basic Research (i.e., names of particular family members, house numbers, occupations, documented proof of inhabitance, etc.) are invaluable for the purpose of Local Contacts to prepare for a successful visit.

Complex (In-Depth) Archival Research - $460
At this level we provide a thorough archival investigation, based on a specific detailed proposal. We will review whatever materials you may already have, free of charge, and then send you our proposal of the research necessary to answer your questions. Reports are in English, with a complete account of the research process, language notes (glossary of terms and abreviations), along with the results of our research.
Included will be a full transcription of all records found, along with digital pictures of the records for the direct line relations (wherever possible), and a chart to illustrate their relationship. Finally, there will be citations of all the sources used, as well as the addresses of the regional or district archives containing these records.
At the more complex level, we may also consult auxiliary historical documents such as Land Books, Military Records, and other documents, to compliment the data found in the more basic sources.
Such research requires a minimum of reliable initial data from which to start. This data should be based on sound historic sources (eg. passenger arrival lists, naturalization applications, or other documents that state a place of origin as well as accurate dates). Thus, we ask clients to provide all known data about family name(s), date(s) of emigration, birth, marriage, or death, specific place(s) of origin, and religion. In each case it is important for us to also know the source of provided data.
The Complex Research option is recommended as a follow up to Basic Research, once the place of family origin is confirmed, or in the case of resolving difficult to answer questions through auxiliary sources. It is intended to surpass a cursory knowledge about the lives of ancestors, by adding details about locality, occupation, and relationships. It is the cornerstone that many family histories are built upon.

"Family History Heirloom" Beyond Complex Research -
Compiling the many historical facts, photos & family stories into a comprehensive volume for future generations is a daunting task. While many different templates can be found to assist with this, there are none particularly tailored to Czech or Slovak Family History. Thus, there are no short cuts to combine several years of research, containing results from a large variety of sources, with mixed levels of success, into a cohesive and ledgable final product. An Heirloom is therefore specific to each family, and uniquely crafted according to their individual wishes. You may choose typsetting, paper quality, binding style (e.g. sewn & embossed leather), (19th century cadastral maps), B & W photos, schematic pedigree charts, and more.
Family History Heirlooms are meant to reflect the precious gift of each family member contained within their covers. Equally, they are intended to inspire subsequent generations to find them, through their beautiful craftsmanship, and so to revisit the thoughtful care that went into making them. When you near the end of your contribution to the family tree, consider finalizing your efforts by making them into a timeless work of art. The rates for Family History Heirlooms vary depending on the details provided by client, and the amount of additional research necessary for completion.
Additional Services
- Digital copies of records (typically the direct line only) are provided (wherever possible) free of charge along with research.
In other cases, materials are available to us only on microfilm (which does not allow for a very clear digital copy). Upon request we will advise you of the possibility for further copies from archival documents.
- We can obtain high resolution digital copies of the Indication Sketches (19th century cadastral maps) - $125/village.
- We can also provide High Quality Digital Photography of your ancestral towns or villages, including specific houses, grave markers, and any other local memorials or points of interest. - Please note that special discounts are available for requests of 3 or more locations within close proximity. Free Appraisal Available on Request