About Us
P.A.T.H. FINDERS is a family business, started by Tom & Marie Zahn in 1994. With the help of several skilled associates, we assist families to trace their roots throughout Central Europe.
While we are keenly aware of the extraordinary demands of these services, there is nothing impersonal about our approach to this work. In each case, we conduct research as though it is our own family history that we are tracing.
The mission of P.A.T.H. FINDERS is to provide Complex (In-Depth) genealogical research as a bridge for you to travel back in time. We take great pride in the fact that we not only collect names and dates, but it is also our goal to thoroughly answer your questions, so that you will better understand the data.
The differences:
- Reports not only contain the names and dates extracted from record books. In addition, we include the researcher's remarks to help explain difficult historical facts and circumstances. The reports typically contain the orthography and definition of archaic terms used in the original documents.
- The reports are also reviewed three times for content and clarity, to insure compliance with the original request.
- Considering that our findings often lead to more questions, we provide suggestions to help clients map an effective strategy for the most cost efficient use of our time. Furthermore, by working in small increments, we insure that our clients are regularly informed of the research progress, and part of the decisions concerning the process.

PATHWAYS sr.o. is our Czech affiliate, established to meet the travel needs of those visiting the region. As a Czech firm, PATHWAYS sr.o. provides clients with reliable transportation, comfortable lodging, informative guided day trips throughout the country, and friendly city tours of Prague. You can rest assured with us, that you will get the most from you research or travel plans.
Our mission at Pathways is to look after the well being of our guests. In particular, to help those with a special family relationship to visit people or places close to their hearts. Whether you are looking for your roots, or just wish to explore independently, we can help you find the way.
The differences:
- A Family History Trip is not only a brief stop in a place where your ancestors once lived. In an effort to make each visit more of a homecoming, we offer Basic Genealogical Research. before each visit, to insure that if there is anyone remaining, they are prepared to welcome you.
- Special care is taken in the selection of vehicles, drivers and interpreters for these events, so that you are assured a comfortable and relaxing journey, and that you will not miss a word (or a photo oportunity).
- There is never a need to hurry on our account, since we understand that this may be a once in a lifetime experience. Our rates are structured to give you enough flexability of time so that you can stop and smell the roses.