Photo Album
Photography of Ancestral Towns & Villages
It has been several years now since Marie's father, and my friend, Standa left us. His love for the Czech Lands lives on in us, and his photographs have inspired us. These galleries are a small sample of the pictures we have taken, as we walk in his footsteps. The pictures posted here are intended to give our visitors a visual tour. Click on images to enlarge We hope that they will help you decide to visit and let us be you guides.
- Nature & Other Wonders
- Castles & Chateaus
- War Memorials
- Arts & Crafts
- People
- Events
- Grave Markers & Cemeteries
- Books & Films
- Churches & Religious Shrines
- Seasons
Nature & Other Wonders
Prague is known for it's hundreds of spires, a veritable trove of architectural wonders. Not so well known, but perhaps equally impressive the various natural landscapes. These are the products of a magnificent God and an industrious people. Thus, Nature & Other Wonders contains a pot-pourri of images that share our own fascination with this incredible landscape.

Castles & Chateaus
These images are a small sample of the many symbols of wealth and power that castles, chateaus and parks represent. Their use varied, in times of peace and war. As well, most, if not all, have been reconstructed, some many times. They have withstood the ebb and flow of prosperity and neglect, to stand the test of time. Some, more defiant than others. Each, a symbol of towering aspirations, are windows through which we can witness the passing of time and history.

War Memorials
There is much to be learned from the monuments found in just about every town and village. The individual names of generations that fell on fields of battle. These monuments are a tool for family historians, useful to find death dates, and the names of relatives who died, some fighting one another. The monuments help when family names no longer remain in a place, but they can still be found here and in the cemeteries.

Arts & Crafts
If there is any truth to the expression, "a picture is worth a thousand words", then here is the evidence. Let these pictures speak for themselves about the masters who crafted such lasting expressions in stone, wood, mortar, clay, textile (lace), oil and ink. Indeed, if you visit just about any town, to wander through cobbled alley ways, there is no telling what your camera will find, or what stories those images will later conjure... To the patient observer, and dedicated searcher, further rewards wait inside the many galleries, old book stores, and museums.

People are everywhere, in case you haven't already noticed. It's not easy to find places where you won't see them. Although we are rather averse to crowds, there is never enough time in life to spend in the company of those we love. One of our children's favorite books, "Lu and Swamp Ghost", makes the case that "you're not poor if you have family and at least one good friend". Thus, this page is dedicated to a few of the many people we are blessed to call our friends.

In many ways events encompass all the previous pages, since events happen wherever there are mysterious Castles, wondrous Nature, playful Art & Architecture, and life loving People. This is the culmination of all the above, the events we were fortunate to participate.

Grave Markers & Cemeteries

Books & Films
These are titles from our library that we frequently suggest to visitors. If you're interested in learning about Czech history and heritage, through literature and film, we hope you will find something of interest here. Most of the titles can be found on line, while some are rare, as limited numbers were published (i.e., village histories). Others are useful to better understand an eclectic assortment of topics (i.e., religion, technology, architecture, politics, culture, poetry and art). For a more detailed description for some of these titles, please visit the "Library" page.

Churches & Religious Shrines
It was overwhelming, to combine so many pictures of Castles, along with Churches. We therefore created this separate category. Here, in churches and religious shrines, are the images that we found extraordinary. We respect the wishes of many locations, to not post pictures of the interiors. Otherwise, we give the names and locations of the churches, chapels, and shrines.

Winter - Here are some scenes, of many , from just a few years back. I will limit myself, while coincidentally reminding myself, just how the Winters fly... Winter does not come with the fall of the first flakes of snow. It starts in the home, and sometimes on the road. It is mostly the time of the year when we have time for one another. The pictures are chosen to illustrate just how warm it can really be, even if it's cold outside...