The Labyrinth of the World and the Paradise of the Heart
by John Amos Comenius | ISBN: 978-80-903931-3-4 | Type: Hard BoundCopyright 1998 by Howard Louthan & Andrea Sterk, Paulist Press, Prague
Jan Amos Comenisky, as the Czech people know him, is a rather controversial figure. Most Czechs will know something about him from the elementary school years, as well as from his image which graces the 200Kc banknote. Further study or understanding ultimately leads to confusion and discord. The thought that someone known as the "Teacher of Nations" could be anything but endearing for students is cause for alarm.
Nevertheless, this work in particular, The Labyrinth of the World and the Paradise of the Heart, when taken separately from his life story, can be understood to have been one of the great literary and theological achievements of its age. It is arguably one of the great and lasting polemics of early 17th century Czech literature.
The story is written in the first person, as the author's account of his journey in search of an occupation that will satisfy his wish for a comfortable life.